Stan Gilliam

I have been a practicing artist since 1962.

My paintings, drawings, and photographs have been exhibited in Alaska, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and the country of Belgium.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Art from UNC-Chapel Hill (1968), a Master of Fine Arts degree from UNC-Greensboro (1972), and a Master of Education degree from UNC-Chapel Hill (1982). I also attended Pratt Institute.

My self-published books, Characterology and The Highwayman, were printed in 2019 and are now available for purchase through my website…

Here are some of the works that are available from Stan:

Pastel wall
Vast see
Homage to Klee

Stan Gilliam Artist

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Lucky Fish | Lucky Fish Gallery

Lucky Fish Gallery was established in 2001 and is owned and operated by Melanie Golter and her talented and hard-working support team.


@ luckyfishgallery_melanie

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